Business Updates

Saturday 24 February 2018

The Real Cost of Cisco WebEx

2017 Edition: The Real Cost of Cisco WebEx

 Cisco WebEx is a big deal in the video conferencing world, but there’s still questions and uncertainty around how much how much Cisco WebEx actually costs each year. We posted this article regarding the real cost of Cisco WebEx and over the course of a year, we’ve seen it generate tons of page views, social shares, and partner interest (thank you)!
So, you want it? You got it! Here are the latest and greatest updates and changes to the operational costs of Cisco WebEx as a video conferencing solution.
We’ll cover:
  1. A three part cost breakdown
  2. New pricing
  3. Competitive product updates
  4. Updates to CMR Integration Costs
  5. Updates New Addition of CMRs
  6. Total Cisco WebEx Cost Breakdown

The Three Costs of Cisco WebEx

There are three major components to Cisco WebEx pricing to be aware of:


There are three ways to structure your licensing purchase:
  1. Named Users: Use this model to know exactly who will be needing a video conferencing license. Typically this is pretty great for smaller company (<200 users).
  2. Enterprise License: Simply sync with Cisco’s Active Directory to give every user the ability to host a WebEx meeting.
  3. Active Users: This option seems to tailor to larger companies. By selecting the active user option, you will only be charged for the average number of users who host a meeting within a month-long timeframe. Depending on your business, this may be a cheaper option depending on your company’s level of video conferencing activity (call to discuss).
PRO TIP: User licenses averages 50% or less of the total WebEx costs!

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