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Monday 26 February 2018

Mesothelioma Law Firm PART2


Speaking with a mesothelioma law firm is an important step for many. If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, you may be entitled to compensation from a company that manufactured and/or sold asbestos-containing products. To find out if you have a case, and how much money you could receive, it’s essential that you discuss your situation with the right mesothelioma law firm.
Call Sokolove Law at 866-407-6615 or request a free legal consultation to learn more about the legal process and our firm’s experience in mesothelioma and asbestos related diseases.

Our Mesothelioma Law Firm Experience

Sokolove Law has been fighting for the victims of mesothelioma and asbestos exposure for nearly 40 years. We are the first truly national law firm with a licensed attorney in nearly every state. Our Founder Jim Sokolove’s passion and commitment has helped bring justice and compensation to over 5,000 victims of mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases.
Our nationwide network of mesothelioma law firm attorneys helps provide equal access to our nation’s court system — regardless of a potential victim’s location, income, or race.

Trusted Nationwide for Mesothelioma Legal Services

The national reach of Sokolove Law allows us to help victims in any state, and to maximize the value of their cases and potential settlements.
Our goal is to maximize the compensation that a mesothelioma victim may be entitled to. What makes Sokolove Law unique is that we are not restricted to filing lawsuits in certain states. As a national law firm, we will file wherever a mesothelioma or asbestos-related claim can be best litigated, in order to increase the value of a case.
For more information, we recommend reading: 5 Tips for Finding the Right Mesothelioma Lawyer for You

What You Need to Know About Mesothelioma Law Firms & Attorneys

A mesothelioma law firm, or a law firm that specializes in asbestos cases, files claims on behalf of those suffering from diseases triggered by asbestos, which includes mesothelioma. These firms develop a deep understanding of the nitty-gritty details involved in bringing justice to the victims and families impacted by these devastating diseases.
“Torts,” as they’re known, or, more commonly, “civil actions,” are part of an extremely complex area of the law. This is the area where asbestos litigation falls. All U.S. states have their own unique statutes, and these statues can vary on things like burden-of-proof, meaning one state’s requirements could be different – or even more demanding – than another’s.
That’s why it’s best to work with an experienced lawyer. Firms like Sokolove Law have for years prioritized keeping up with the latest mesothelioma research and asbestos-related legal developments. Sokolove Law maintains massive databases containing information related to virtually every aspect of the asbestos industry.

Frequently Asked Questions for Mesothelioma Law Firms & Attorneys

Whenever you’re considering legal action, it’s vital that you interview a potential law firm and check their past experience in mesothelioma claims, settlements and specialized legal experience.
Here are some questions you might ask if you were looking to partner with a mesothelioma law firm:
– How many years of experience does your mesothelioma law firm have?
– Will you take my case on a contingency basis?
– What are the typical outcomes of your mesothelioma cases? Out-of-court settlement? Win? Loss? Appeal?
– Will I be able to speak with members of your law firm as needed? Will my calls be returned promptly and your questions answered clearly?
– How many mesothelioma (not just asbestos) cases or claims has your law firm handled?
– Will my case be handled on an individual basis, or “bundled” with several other similar cases? (This may hurt you if your case is a strong one, but could be helpful with “weaker” cases.)
– Does your mesothelioma law firm have a nationwide network of attorneys and lawyers who will share their research and expertise in order to build a solid case on my behalf?
– Will your law firm be handling my case personally? (At times law firms may refer your case to another firm that may be better suited to help in your situation — often providing you with the services of both their firm and another at no extra cost to you.)
Remember, it’s in your best interest to be comfortable with the mesothelioma law firm and attorneys that handle your case.
Sokolove Law’s staff of experienced mesothelioma paralegals is here to help you and to answer any questions you might have about filing a mesothelioma lawsuit. Don’t wait — request a free legal consultation today.
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Mesothelioma Law Firm

For decades, mesothelioma, a life-threatening disease that can affect the lungs, abdomen, and several other major organs, has been linked to prolonged exposure to asbestos, resulting in many people seeking a mesothelioma law firm to get justice and help them cover the overwhelming expenses associated with the disease.
Typically, mesothelioma victims were exposed to asbestos while working at a job site that used asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). In many cases, the manufacturers of asbestos and ACMs knew of the hidden dangers and risks of asbestos, yet failed to inform the public, as asbestos was an extremely profitable mineral. Because of the hindrance of information, workers who developed health issues from asbestos exposure may be eligible for financial compensation to cover expenses such as lost wages, medical bills, emotional suffering, physical pain, and more.
If you suffer from mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer, or asbestosis, you may be eligible for a large amount of compensation. Currently, there is over $30 billion in asbestos trust funds, set up for those who have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness. Fill out our form to receive our free Financial Compensation Packet. Our packet is loaded with information on leading mesothelioma attorneys in your area, how to file a claim for asbestos trust funds, how to get paid in 90 days, and more.

What Does a Mesothelioma Law Firm Do?

Law firms specializing in mesothelioma are different from any other type of law firm. Whereas other firms may specialize in areas like car accidents or nursing home abuse, mesothelioma law firms focus primarily on mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. It’s not recommended to retain legal representation from a general practice law firm or even a personal injury firm that specializes in a wide array of injury cases. You’ll need an attorney who specifically specializes in mesothelioma cases, as these types of lawsuits are extremely intricate and require vast, in-depth understanding of asbestos exposure and diseases.
Attorneys at these law firms have knowledge and experience regarding federal and state laws concerning asbestos use and its history in the workforce. They also have sharp investigative skills and are able to dig deep to uncover when and where companies and/or other entities exposed workers to asbestos. Additionally, these law firms are comprised of educated attorneys who understand the legal process involving courts, trials, settlements, and appeals.
Review of Our Services
Dale R.“When dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma, our world was turned upside down. Not knowing what to do next, I researched and interviewed many firms. Some firms were nothing more than marketers. Others offered up call screeners to take my name and number. And then there was Mesothelioma Lawyer Center. It was with them that I found peace, knowledge and professionalism. They have done everything they said they would do and then some. Contacting Mesothelioma Lawyer Center was the best decision I could have made for my family.”
~ Dale R.
Moreover, an experienced firm understands that the victim is already suffering enough because of the medical and financial problems associated with asbestos-related diseases. As a result, the firm will handle most everything regarding the lawsuit, including fighting for the legal rights of the client, interviewing witnesses, obtaining medical history, litigation, and more.
An experienced law firm also understands the severe emotional impact that living with mesothelioma brings, not only to victims, but to family members and loved ones as well. An good firm takes this into account and helps ease the minds of victims and their loved ones throughout this enduring process.
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What Should I Look for When Hiring an Asbestos Law Firm?

Unfortunately, not all law firms specializing in mesothelioma are the same. While some may have several years of experience, other firms are relatively new to the area of mesothelioma. In addition, some law firms may concentrate on other areas of law besides mesothelioma while another firm may solely focus on asbestos cases.
Aside from using your good judgement when determining which law firm you should use, there are several factors you should consider:
  • The law firm should have experience in dealing with mesothelioma cases.
  • The law firm should be extremely knowledgeable in asbestos laws and prior cases.
  • Look for a law firm that focuses solely on asbestos-related cases.
  • Look for law firms with a stellar reputation in handling asbestos cases.
  • The law firm should not only understand asbestos laws, but should also have extensive knowledge of medical problems associated with asbestos diseases.
  • The law firm should always keep you updated on what’s going on in your case. Although attorneys are busy people, they should be accessible.
  • You should always get an initial consultation at no charge before deciding on a firm.
Keep in mind that it’s not recommended to retain a law firm that promises you that you will win your case no matter what. Although statistics show that the majority mesothelioma victims do go on to win their lawsuits, there are a variety of factors involved, and no case is guaranteed. An experienced law firm will help you to understand your chances and what is involved, but will never assure that your case is 100% guaranteed.

Making Things Easier

Although a law firm will do the majority of your case work, it’s always a good idea to be prepared and make things easier so that the process gets rolling faster.
First, make sure to gather your medical documents, including when and where you were diagnosed, and bring this information to your initial meeting. This will allow the firm to determine if your case can be taken on.
Next, be prepared to provide the law firm with your work history and information including the full company name, address, phone number, your job role, and how long you worked there.
Finally, start keeping track of all expenses used pertaining to your disease. For example, always keep a copy of medical bills, hospital visits, mileage used to get to appointments, medical supplies, and anything other expense you paid out due to your illness.

How Can a Law Firm Personally Help Me?

When first getting started, victims usually have a plethora of unanswered questions regarding asbestos and their rights. A good law firm should be able to provide you with following information:
  • Evidence Related to Your Exposure: Once you provide the law firm with your work information, they should be able to investigate and determine how asbestos was used at your workplace. In some cases, they may already have the information available.
  • If You Truly Have an Asbestos Claim: Asbestos law firms understand what’s needed in order to have a true asbestos claim. With this knowledge, they are able to determine how strong your case is and what the estimated chances are that you’ll win. Most attorneys make sure they’re confident in your case before taking it on. Be wary of any attorney who promises to take your case without knowing any of the details or an attorney who claims they can get you an exact amount of compensation before reviewing your case.
  • Your Case Worth: If the firm decides you have an asbestos case, they will then be able to come up with an average figure of how much your case is worth. This is including past expenses, daily expenses, medical bills, lost wages, emotional trauma, physical suffering, future expenses, and much more. Keep in mind, however, that there is no set formula as to how much your award amount may be. The aforementioned factors, along with other details, such as if your former company has a trust fund set up or not, will also come into play.
  • Who Exactly is Responsible: It can be difficult for the average person to determine who exactly is responsible for exposing victims to asbestos. For example, companies can move, go out of business, hide, suppress relevant information, and change ownerships. In some cases, your former company is responsible, the manufacturer of the asbestos products may be responsible, or supervisors and/or owners may be responsible. In other instances, there may be just one sole responsible entity, yet in a different case, there may be several responsible parties. Remember that part of the law firm’s job is to research, seek out, and determine the entity or responsible parties that are liable for your exposure to asbestos.

What Are Law Firm Fees?

Law firms may have different fees as well as different payment options. However, an experienced and caring law firm understands that victims of asbestos-related diseases more than likely have enough financial burden in dealing with their illness, and are unable to afford up-front fees for legal representation. As a result, many firms work on what’s known as a contingency fee basis, meaning that they only get paid when you get paid.
If the law firm doesn’t win your case, they don’t receive compensation either in most instances. The good news, however, is that a firm has to be confident enough in your case to take it on, meaning there is a good chance that if your case is picked up, it will be successful.
Law firm fees are percentages taken out of your total settlement or verdict amount, and again, the percentage amount will vary depending upon the firm. Make sure you understand how the fees and percentages work with the firm beforehand so that there will be no confusion later on.
If a law firm doesn’t provide a contingency fee basis, there is a good chance that they don’t have the financial resources to successfully prove your case. Keep in mind that you’ll want a firm that has the financial capability to take on your case on a contingency fee basis.
Attorneys without the resources to handle your case usually can’t provide you with the best representation. An ideal rule of thumb is to ask up-front about how the fees work so that there are no surprises later on. Attorneys with your best interest in mind will have no problems answering any questions you have regarding fees and prices.
Law Firm

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to go to court? 
This is one of the most commonly asked questions, which is understandable, as most people who are dealing with an asbestos-related illness generally do not want to spend time in a court room. Generally, you will not have to go to court. Most mesothelioma lawsuits are taken care of via settlements.
In some instances, however, if the defense doesn’t agree on a settlement or if you don’t agree on a settlement, you may have to go to trial, which requires going to court. An experienced law firm will help you through every step of the way, and if you are too ill to attend, arrangements can be made to record your testimony beforehand.
What if I don’t know which company exposed me to asbestos? 
As previously mentioned, part of an asbestos law firm’s job is to uncover the parties responsible for your asbestos exposure. The culpable parties are typically manufacturers who supplied asbestos to job sites, which can range from one company to many.
I have workers’ compensation benefits. Can a law firm still help me even if I have other compensation benefits?
Other compensation benefits, such as workers’ compensation or VA benefits, doesn’t disqualify you from seeking compensation from the companies who exposed you to asbestos. An asbestos law firm can help you file a lawsuit against the responsible parties.

Additional Tips to Remember

  • When searching for a law firm, you shouldn’t narrow your search down to your local community only. There’s a chance that your case may be filed out of state.
  • An experienced mesothelioma lawyer should have no problems flying to your city to meet with you, given that they are out of state.
  • Although the law firm should be able to give you an average figure that you may receive, giving an exact amount is impossible. Any firm that guarantees you an exact amount should be considered untrustworthy.
  • A mesothelioma should be able to handle not only mesothelioma cases for survivors, but wrongful death cases involving asbestos exposure.

Where Can I Get Help Finding an Experienced Asbestos Law Firm?

Simply fill out our form to get your free Financial Compensation Packet, with information on top asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers in your area. For additional assistance, contact us at 800-793-4540. 
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Saturday 24 February 2018

Are you donating a car to charity? Proceed with caution

Vehicle donations can be one of the most costly ways to give in all of philanthropy, those in the industry say. They're complicated and time-intensive, often requiring extensive advertising, expensive towing, mechanical repairs, storage, paperwork and eventual sales of what are often clunkers. That all costs a lot of money. (Photo by Getty Images)

 Vetmade Industries has a vaunted mission: To return disabled warriors to the workforce. It boasts that “93 percent of funds go directly to the cause of helping our heroes.”
Well-meaning folks donated cars worth more than $2 million to Tampa-based Vetmade in 2015 – but only $91,348 made it to the charity, according to data from the California Attorney General. That’s 4.5 percent.
What happened to the overwhelming bulk of that money? About $1.9 million – 95.5 percent of revenues – was spent by a company called Just Donated Inc. in Orange, which specializes in “promoting your cause and generating a steady flow of vehicle donations,” according to its online pitch.
Vehicle donations are one of the most costly ways to give in all of philanthropy, those in the industry say. They’re complicated and time-intensive, often requiring extensive advertising, expensive towing, mechanical repairs, storage, paperwork and eventual sales of what are often clunkers. The charities usually don’t have to do anything at all, leaving all the work to the (usually) for-profit middlemen.
All that costs a lot of money. But, as we’ll show you, some charities get a lot more out of it than others.
Just Donated, the Orange business that processes vehicles for charities, did not return calls and emails seeking detail on the numbers. But Vetmade’s executive director in Tampa, John Campbell, said that there are many costs incurred by tow truck drivers, auction houses and the companies that run the donations themselves.
Campbell has been happy with Just Donated, he said; after all is said and done, some companies don’t return anything to the charities at all.
• Another Southern California company specializing in charity car donations is Fund Raising Partners, long of Los Alamitos and recently relocated to Redondo Beach. Fund Raising Partners processed vehicle donations totaling $1.6 million for the nonprofit Durable Medical Equipment Aid Society in Tarzana in 2015, of which the charity got just 1.7 percent (or $27,235), according to the Attorney General’s data.
The charity’s executive director said the numbers reflect initial start-up costs of running a new car donation program, and that numbers for 2016 will be better.
Fund Raising Partners also handled car donations totaling $593,889 for Faith’s Hope Foundation in Fullerton. The return to that charity was even lower – just $3,213, or 0.5 percent.
• Automotive Recovery Services of Westchester, IL, processed donations worth $6.5 million for the National Veterans Service Fund in Darien, CT. The charity got $1.2 million, or 18.5 percent.
“The amount a charity receives for a vehicle donation is driven by two main factors, 1) the market value of the vehicle donated, and 2) the cost to solicit the donation,” said Phil Kraft, executive director of the National Veterans Service Fund Vehicle, via email. “In the current market we are seeing softer prices for donated vehicles.”
When market prices are soft, the charity focuses on generating “donation volume” to hit its financial goals, Kraft said.
“National Veterans Services Fund has a very limited staff and does not have the human resources to do hands-on marketing. Therefore we choose to utilize broader methods of marketing to solicit donations including SEO and PPC (pay per click). These broader marketing methods can be more costly, but help us drive higher volumes of vehicle donations.”
• Michael Reese Enterprises in Costa Mesa specializes in processing a very large volume of low-value vehicles. It handled donations worth $6 million for a nonprofit called Growing in Voices in Irvine. The charity got $571,165, or 9.5 percent.
• The biggest players on the scene were the Car Donation Foundation, aka Wheels for Wishes, in St. Louis Park, MN., and its vehicle processor, National Fundraising Management in Hopkins, MN. Total revenue was $31 million, of which $14.1 million went to the charity, or 45 percent.
That’s better than average.
Total revenue generated by vehicle donations in California was $64.2 million in 2015, with charities getting about $25.5 million, or 39.8 percent of the total, according to the data.
“Vehicle donation programs have become more popular over the past several years,” the AG said in her annual report on commercial fundraisers. “These programs are administered either directly by charities, or by commercial fundraisers that solicit donations and manage the program on a charity’s behalf, in exchange for compensation.”
How does it work?
The process usually begins when a donor contacts a charity or commercial fundraiser in response to an ad or solicitation campaign, the AG explains. In the initial phone conversation, the donor will be asked questions about the vehicle. Generally, the vehicle will be accepted unless the cost of towing it exceeds its value.
The donated vehicle is then sold and the proceeds are divided between the commercial fundraiser and the charity. “Because all costs associated with advertising, towing, storing, and selling the vehicle are deducted from the proceeds before any distribution to charity, charities usually only receive a marginal amount from the car’s sales proceeds,” the AG warns.
The attorney general filed suit against Ventura-based Cars 4 Causes in 2015, charging it with breach of fiduciary duty and deceptive and misleading solicitations. C4C, as it is known, kept and spent millions of dollars in donations that should have gone to other charities, the AG charged in the suit.
Still, some make it work a lot better than others.
• Advanced Remarketing Services of Warren RI processed $1.1 million of vehicle donations for the Independent Charities of America in Larkspur, CA. The charity got $888,104, or 78.4 percent.
• Advanced Remarketing Services processed $523,053 of donations for the American Cancer Society in Atlanta. The charity got $426,764, or 82 percent.
• Automotive Recovery Services processed $1.4 million of donations for the National Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Maryland Heights, MO. The charity got $1.1 million, or 74 percent.
• Automotive Recovery Services also processed $2.7 million of donations for the National Kidney Foundation in New York. The charity got $1.9 million, or 69 percent.
Zachary Lasky is the e-commerce product manager for Advanced Remarketing Services. “Our goal is to return 70 to 80 percent to the charity – we form a partnership with them. We’re not tyring to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes,” Lasky said.
It can return so much because it doesn’t depend solely on auctions to sell the vehicles, he said. That includes selling directly to buyers, which cuts down on auction fees. Advanced Remarketing Services also avoids storing vehicles for long period of time – which cuts down on storage fees – and on expensive towing.
“It’s definitely disappointing to see people taking advantage, maybe not have the best interest of the charity they work with at heart,” he said.
Donors should read the tea leaves. Charities that are willing to accept just a tiny fraction of donation proceeds may deserve further financial scrutiny.
Fullerton’s Faith’s Hope Foundation was dedicated to “assisting families going through the emotional and financial hardship due to the hospitalization of a loved one,” according to its mission statement.
In 2012 – the last year it filed tax returns with the IRS – it spent $3.5 million, and $3.3 million of that went to fundraising. Spending on its aforementioned core mission was just $157,533, or 4.5 percent (charity watchdogs like to see at least 65 percent of spending on the core mission).
The IRS revoked Faith’s Hope Foundation nonprofit status last year, after the charity failed to file tax returns for three straight years.
Also, according to their IRS filings:
• The Car Donation Foundation, which does business as Wheels for Wishes, spent $27.3 million in 2015. More than half of that – 51 percent – went to fundraising.
• Growing in Voices in Irvine, which “promotes charitable giving by connecting people with the chanties and causes they care most about and supports humanitarian services to the hungry, poor and sick,” spent $11.9 million in 2014. Of that, $10.9 million went to fundraising.
• National Veterans Service Fund, whose mission is “to educate and inform the public on the needs of veterans and their families, primarily concerning the Agent Orange Issue and Gulf War illnesses,” spent $9 million in 2015. Six million of that – 66 percent – was spent on fundraising.
Dangerous curves ahead, donors. Do your homework, and proceed with caution.
• Do your research. CharityNavigator and Guidestar are great places to start to check out how charities spend their money. The Attorney General lays out how much each charity actually gets, compared to the value of the donations, in its annual Commercial Fundraisers report.
• Give vehicles to charities that can actually use them – delivering meals to the homebound, taking elderly people to the doctor, etc. Contact the United Way, a community college or vocational school to find programs that need donated vehicles.
• Find a charity that handles its own car donations. That cuts out the middle-man and allows the charity to keep all the proceeds. If your favorite charity doesn’t accept cars directly, find one that does.
• If the car runs, drive it to the charity yourself. That’ll save money on pickup and towing.
• If you still want to give to a charity that uses a middleman, ask what percentage of your donation the charity will actually get.
• Do paperwork correctly. Donors are responsible for notifying the Department of Motor Vehicles of the transfer of registration. You can be held responsible for parking tickets and worse if you don’t formally sign the car over to the nonprofit.
Source: IRS, Charity Navigator, American Institute of Philanthropy, California Attorney General
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How To Donate a Car In California

Are you ready to donate a car in California? If so, good for you! Donating a car to charity is a wonderful decision on many levels. First of all, your donation goes to help a great cause.  Plus, you get your old vehicle or junk car moved off of your property free of charge. You are also recycling an old vehicle, and you also get to claim the car donation as a tax deduction.
In this post you'll find some tips on how to donate a car in California and some specific requirements you should be aware of that relate to California car donations.
1. To donate a car in California, you begin by submitting an online car donation form or calling the charity you wish donate your vehicle to.  If you wish to claim the car donation as a tax deduction, be sure to check that the charity is an IRS recognized nonprofit organization.
2. The process for receiving the tax receipt for your charitable donation may vary. Some charities will email you the initial receipt while others have the tow truck provide you with the receipt at the time of pick up. This is just an initial receipt and enables you to claim a tax deduction of up to $500. You should check with the charity to find out what their procedure is for providing you with this receipt when you submit your vehicle donation.
3. In the State of California, the license plates remain with the vehicle, so these should not be removed prior to the pickup.
4. Filing a Release of Liability with the California Department of Motor Vehicles is an important step you do not want to miss when you donate a car.  This document releases you from future liability which may arise for any reason after the vehicle is donated.  In California the procedure for filing a Release of Liability is that you must return the pink portion of the title or DMV form REG 138 to your local Department of Motor Vehicles. Alternatively, you can file your release of liability online at
5. If your vehicle sells for more than $500, or if it qualifies for a fair market value tax deduction, you will receive additional tax paperwork after the sale of the vehicle takes place. The amount you will be allowed to deduct on your taxes will vary depending on several factors which could include the price the vehicle is sold for or whether the vehicle is classified as a fair market value car donation.
6. One last point we should mention is that if you plan to claim your car donation tax deduction on your 2012 taxes, you need to make sure you donate the car well before the deadline of December 31, 2012. The charity should have possession of the vehicle before midnight on December 31st, or at least have the pickup well in the works, in order for you to claim your tax deduction in 2012. Don’t wait till the last minute as there could be delays that could result in you being unable to claim the donation as a deduction for the current tax year.
If you have any further questions related to your car donation tax deduction, most charities are relatively knowledgeable about the process and paperwork needed, however, you should consult a CPA or accountant for specifics regarding your particular tax situation.
For additional questions related to car donations in California, you can contact your local DMV or visit the California DMV website for the latest information on state specific requirements. 
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The Top 45 Most Affordable Accredited Doctoral Degrees in Counselor Education and Supervision

Here you will find the best and most affordable doctoral degrees in Counselor Education and Supervision available at colleges and universities across the country. The campus-based programs listed here are all accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). The CACREP reviews programs and only provides accreditation to those that meet specific objectives and outcomes. By attending a program that meets the high credentialing standards of the CACREP, you can be assured that you will earn a quality education from a respected and vigorous academic program.
Most, but not all of the programs listed here require applicants to have a master’s degree in counseling or a closely related degree from a CACREP accredited program. In most cases, students with a master’s degree will be able to transfer a significant number of credits into the program towards the doctoral degree. Students in the programs listed here will receive high quality training with diverse populations in a range of clinical and academic setting
The Doctoral Degree in Counselor Education and Supervision prepares graduates to work as counselors, counselor educators, clinical supervisors, program directors, faculty members, administrators, consultants, and researchers. With a broad range of clinical and academic experience and expertise, graduates will be prepared to be leaders in the field.
For information about how this ranking was developed, see the methodology statement at the bottom of the article.
We are confident you will find the best doctoral degree in counselor education and supervision to meet your professional goals here!

#45 Oakland University

Rochester Hills, MI

Ph.D. in Education: Counseling

The School of Education and Human Services at Oakland University offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Education Counseling. Students in this program will have the opportunity to work independently as well as collaboratively with peers and faculty as they complete the 64 credit hour program. Students in the program can choose an area of emphasis with five cognate areas available: addiction counseling; advanced career counseling; child and adolescent counseling; couple and family counseling; and mental health counseling.
Courses include: advanced theories of counseling; legal and ethical issues in counseling; sociocultural issues in counseling; instructional theories and methods; seminar in counselor supervision; advanced group counseling; advanced consultation techniques; advanced appraisal; program evaluation; and advanced practicum.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 24,648.00
  • Application Deadline: December 15th
  • Credits Required: 64

#44 University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

The University of Cincinnati offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education. The program emphasizes the ecological perspective in training, teaching, and research. Prevention, school counseling, mental health counseling, substance use, diversity, and serving under-served populations are also courses that are focused on. Graduates will be prepared for careers in research, teaching, and leadership in the field of counseling.
Courses include: foundations of counselor education and supervision; ecological counseling seminar; doctoral practicum-counseling interventions; statistical data analysis; qualitative research methods; statistical data analysis; multivariate data analysis; counseling supervision; teaching effectiveness; a series of school counseling courses; and a series of substance abuse counseling courses.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 24,532.00
  • Application Deadline: January 15th
  • Credits Required: 55-60

#43 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Blacksburg, VA

Ph.D. in Counselor Education (Blacksburg Campus), Ed.D in Counselor Education (Falls Church campus)

The School of Education at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University offers a Ph.D. and a Ed.D. in Counselor Education. The programs provide coursework and clinical training to prepare graduates for careers that meet their individual professional goals. Graduates have pursued careers in a variety of areas including: education, administration, supervision, counseling, and leadership.
Student’s recent dissertation topics have included:: career aspirations among specific populations; counseling at community colleges; counseling in small colleges; inner-city high school populations; the role of school psychologists; college athletes; and middle school guidance counseling.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $24,388.00
  • Application Deadline: November 1st
  • Credits Required: 63

#42 University of Georgia

Athens, GA

Ph.D. in Counseling and Student Personnel Services

The Department of Counseling and Human Development Services at the University of Georgia offers a Ph.D. in Counseling and Student Personnel Services. This program emphasizes social justice and multicultural diversity. The program is offered part time and is designed for professionals who work full time in school counseling, mental health counseling, student affairs and related fields. Students are encouraged to apply for funding through assistantships and scholarships to support the overall cost of the doctoral degree. Students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty to tailor their education to meet their professional goals.
Course topics include: supervised counselor education; supervision practice; teaching and clinical experiences; practicum and internship experiences; and specialization courses.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 24,090.00
  • Application Deadline: December 1st
  • Credits Required: NA

#41 College of William and Mary

Williamsburg, VA

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

The School of Education at William and Mary offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. This doctoral degree requires the completion of 96-105 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree. Students in this program will select an area of specialization such as multicultural counseling, family counseling, or substance abuse counseling. Students will advance professionally through coursework, seminars, advanced clinical training, and research. Funding opportunities are available through assistantships and grants. Additionally, financial support is available to support students in attending and presenting at national conferences.
Courses include: principles of education research; advanced theories of counseling and psychotherapy; theory and process of counselor supervision; qualitative research methods; internship in counselor supervision; advanced group work and theory; intermediate statistics in education; doctoral seminar in counseling; doctoral practicum; research in counselor education; doctoral internship; and dissertation.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 23,752.00
  • Application Deadline: January 15th
  • Credits Required: 66
  • For more information on The College of William and Mary

#40 University of Toledo

Toledo, OH

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

The University of Toledo offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Counselor Education and Supervision. The program values human diversity with a commitment to partnering with and serving the local community. Graduates will be prepared to provide specialized services in a variety of settings to individuals, families, and groups. Graduates will also be prepared to contribute to the field through research and leadership.
Courses include: supervision in counseling and school psychology; education and leadership in mental health professions; advanced theories of counseling interventions; doctoral research seminar; advanced practicum in counseling interventions; advanced training in professional, legal, and ethical issues; psychopathology; crisis intervention counseling; diagnosis and mental health; couples and family therapy; and drugs and mental health counseling.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 23,502.00
  • Application Deadline: September 15, January 15 and and May 15
  • Credits Required: 60

#39 Georgia State University

Atlanta, GA

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Practice

The College of Education and Human Development at Georgia State University offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Practice. The program follows a scientist-practitioner model of training. The program is designed to allow for students to choose an area of specialization from areas including, but not limited to: college counseling; counselor education; clinical mental health counseling; and student personnel work and rehabilitation counseling. Additionally, students in this program have the opportunity to choose from one of the following areas of focus: clinical rehabilitation counseling; behavior therapy; research; wellness; multiculturalism; and child clinical family.
Courses include: qualitative/ interpretive research in education; quantitative methods and analysis in education; program evaluation and institutional research; qualitative research in education; philosophy of education; advanced career counseling; advanced group counseling; professional issues and decisions; advanced counseling theory; supervision of counseling services; research and publication; facilitating college teaching; and dissertation.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 22,374.00
  • Application Deadline: November 15th
  • Credits Required: 92

#38 North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC

Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education

The Counselor Education Program at North Carolina State University was founded in 1946. This 63 credit hour program emphasizes research, theory, and practice. The program values multicultural diversity and is currently making an effort to attract students from culturally diverse backgrounds. Additionally, the program is committed to social justice and aims to prepare graduates to be leaders in the field with a commitment to reaching under-served populations.
Courses include: scholar leader-diversity and equity in schools and community; scholar leader-systemic change in education and society; applied quantitative methods in education; introduction to qualitative research in education; research applications in curriculum and instruction; advanced multicultural counseling; professional issues in counselor education; career development theory and research; advanced counseling practicum; internship in counselor education; and supervised practice teaching in counselor education.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 21,951.00
  • Application Deadline: February 1st
  • Credits Required: 63

#37 Duquesne University

Pittsburgh, PA

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

Duquesne University offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education. This 60 credit program can be completed in three years. The Counselor Education Program is able to offer funding through some full and part time graduate assistantships. The program enables students to work full time by offering classes in the evenings and on Saturdays. Many graduates of the program have been successful in securing faculty positions at universities.
Courses include: professional writing in counselor education and supervision; statistics; group counseling; doctoral research design and seminar; advanced counseling and consulting theory; educational statistics; professional development and contemporary issues; methods of individual assessment; counselor education and supervision leadership in a diverse society; and doctoral dissertation.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 21,402.00
  • Application Deadline: N/A
  • Credits Required: 60

#36 University of New Orleans

New Orleans, LA

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

Students can earn a Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education from the University of New Orleans. Students in this program will develop professionally by choosing an area of emphasis. The emphasis area is determined by the student and will be related to an area of expertise held by a faculty member.  The dissertation will be on the chosen topic (or closely related), and the student will complete 12 credit hours in this area of emphasis. Examples of areas of emphasis include: counselor education; clinical mental health counseling; group counseling; multicultural counseling; organizational counseling; private practice; and play therapy.
Courses include: career counseling and life planning; theories of counseling; lifespan human growth and development; advanced counseling techniques; diagnosis and treatment planning in counseling; crisis intervention counseling; ethical and professional issues in counselor education; supervised experience in group work; advanced multicultural counseling; advanced counseling interventions; quantitative and qualitative research designs; and dissertation research.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,673.00
  • Application Deadline: January 15th for fall start, October 15th for Spring start.
  • Credits Required: 66

#35 Kansas State University

Manhattan, KS

Ph.D. in Counseling and Student Development with an Emphasis in Counselor Education and Supervision

A Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling and Student Development with an emphasis in Counselor Education and Supervision is available at Kansas State University. Applicants with a bachelor’s degree will need to complete a minimum of 96 credit hours to earn the Ph.D. Students in this program will have the opportunity to collaborate with the faculty to determine an area of focus and relevant courses to support this area of interest.
Courses include: theories of vocational counseling; professional counseling ethics; advanced group counseling; advanced counseling theory; principles of college teaching; advanced counseling practicum; internship in counseling and educational psychology; and experimental design in educational research.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,626.00
  • Application Deadline: N/A
  • Credits Required: 63-66

#34 University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, NM

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

A Ph.D. in Counselor Education is available from the University of New Mexico. The program prepares students to be sensitive to issues of diversity with the individuals, families, and communities with which they work. The program provides training for students with their master’s degree who wish to continue their education in research, theory, practice, and other areas of counselor education. Students will have the opportunity to collaborate with their advisor to choose courses that fit with their area of interest. Graduates will be professionals with expertise in the field.
Specialty courses include: seminar in intercultural communication; education and anthropology; education and gender equity; seminar in cross-cultural organizational behavior; racial and ethnic relations; introduction to mental retardation; and introduction to students with emotional and behavioral disorders.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,602.00
  • Application Deadline: November 1st
  • Credits Required: 61

#33 University of Mississippi

Oxford, MS

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

The University of Mississippi also known as “Ole Miss” offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education. The program is designed for students with a master’s degree from a CACREP accredited program who are interested in becoming experts in counselor education in careers as educators, researchers, and supervisors. Students in this program have the opportunity to choose an area of study to specialize in, with the goal of preparing graduates to have a professional specialty.
Courses include: professional identity and ethics in counselor education; advanced counseling theory; introduction to educational research; advanced multicultural counseling and advocacy; college teaching; supervision; research and publication; advanced career theory and practice; advanced group counseling; advanced assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning; advanced research methods; and leadership, program evaluation, and accreditation.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,574.00
  • Application Deadline: March 1st
  • Credits Required: 76-85

#32 Mississippi State University

Mississippi State, MS

Ph.D. in Counseling

The Ph.D. in Counseling at Mississippi State University offers a focus in College Student Counseling and Personnel Services. This program is offered by the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Foundations. Students can be enrolled in the program full or part time. Full time students can complete the program in three years. The program follows the scientist-practitioner model of training and prepares graduates to integrate theory and practice, as well as to understand the importance of social justice.
Courses include: advanced analysis in educational research; university and community college instruction; qualitative techniques in educational research; counseling supervision; advanced counseling theory; advanced group work and systems; advanced multicultural counseling; psychological foundations of education; and philosophy of education.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,142.00
  • Application Deadline: February 1st
  • Credits Required: 69-81

#31 Boise State University

Boise, ID

Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

Boise State University offers a Doctor of Education with a focus in Counselor Education and Supervision. This program is unique in that the Department of Counselor Education only accepts one student each year into the Counselor Education and Supervision cognate. This student has the opportunity to be mentored and study and work closely with faculty in the department under an apprentice model that the program developed. The program anticipates that eventually they will admit more students using a cohort model. Students entering the program with a 60 credit master’s degree from a CACREP accredited program can complete the doctoral program in three years with 66 credits.
Courses include: advanced theories and research in counseling; advanced career development and vocational counseling; research and program evaluation in counseling; advanced group counseling; advanced supervision and consultation; doctoral internship; and advanced practicum.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,108.00
  • Application Deadline: March 1st
  • Credits Required: 66

#30 University of Texas at San Antonio

San Antonio, TX

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

The College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas at San Antonio offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. Applicants are expected to have a master’s degree and pass a qualifying examination. Students in the program will have the opportunity to engage in research, writing, clinical supervision, and co-teaching. The program prepares graduates for professional careers in academic, research and clinical positions.
Courses include: consultation and program evaluation; advanced psychological assessment; college and university teaching seminar; seminar in professional development; advanced theories of counseling; advanced multicultural counseling; practicum in counseling; supervision of counseling; and advanced research in counseling and development.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 19,030.00
  • Application Deadline: February 2nd
  • Credits Required: 67

#29 University of Nevada Reno

Reno, NV

Ph.D. in Education: Counselor Education and Supervision

The University of Nevada Reno offers a Ph.D. in Education with a concentration in Counselor Education and Supervision. This degree is designed for students holding a master’s degree in counseling from a CACREP accredited program, with an interest in pursuing continued education and career advancement in the field of counseling. Students in this program are required to complete 72 credit hours. Funding is available through graduate assistantships. Students have the opportunity to interview for assistantships while interviewing for the doctoral program. Faculty in this program have a wide range of areas of interest.
Faculty areas of interest include: international student counseling; American Indian/ Alaska Native programs; school and mental health risk and resilience factors; adolescent populations; marriage and family therapy; substance abuse; crisis and trauma; play therapy; school counseling; cross-cultural counseling; emotions; and the use of language in in therapy.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 18,662.00
  • Application Deadline: December 15th
  • Credits Required: 72

#28 Idaho State University

Pocatello, ID

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Counseling

A Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Counseling is available from Idaho State University. Students enrolled in this program are encouraged to attend on a full time basis. Students in this program will have the opportunity to explore and develop a personal professional identity. The program values students developing an understanding of cultural diversity. Graduates of this program will be prepared to pursue careers as faculty at colleges and universities; clinical supervisors; and leaders in the field of higher education and counseling.
Courses include: advanced research and experimental design; instructional theory for counselor educators; practicum in college teaching; advanced psychological testing and assessment; advanced diversity issues; advanced theories of counseling; advanced group procedures; supervision in counselor education; research and professional issues; career development in counselor education; and doctoral counseling practicum.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 18,504.00
  • Application Deadline: December 15th
  • Credits Required: 42-70

#27 Kent State University

Kent, OH

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

Kent State University offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. This program trains students in counseling, including the topics of teaching, research, supervision, leadership, advocacy, and professional identity. The program expects that students will have gained a foundation in their master’s program, allowing them to specialize in the doctoral program. Students with a master’s in counseling may have met all prerequisites, while students entering the field from other professions may need to complete additional prerequisites. Students can be enrolled in this program full or part time (one year of full time enrollment is required while in the program).
Typical areas of specialization include: individual and or group counseling; research; education and supervision of counselors; couples and family counseling; and multicultural counseling.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 18,380.00
  • Application Deadline: February 1st
  • Credits Required: 104

#26 University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Greensboro, NC

Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education

Students can earn a Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Students accepted into this program in the School of Education will be a part of a full time cohort. The program will take 3 years to complete. The program emphasizes research and diversity. Graduates of this program pursuing careers as faculty at colleges and universities will have the skills in research, teaching, and supervision to be leaders in the field.
Students in this program will have the opportunity to engage in research through: identifying a topic of interest to focus research on related to personal career goals; explore this topic through quantitative and qualitative research, literature review, and research proposals; and potentially publish and present on research.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 18,322.00
  • Application Deadline: November 1st
  • Credits Required: NA

#25 University of Northern Colorado

Greeley, CO

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

The College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. The program requires the completion of 83-92 credits depending on the course of study (area of interest or minor) that a student chooses. Students have the opportunity to take specific courses in one of four areas of interest: couples and families; play therapy; school counseling; and gerontological counseling.
Doctoral minors available in: higher education and student affairs leadership; educational leadership and policy studies; special education; educational psychology; and cultural studies and equity graduate certificate program.

#24 Barry University

Miami Shores, FL

Ph.D. in Counseling

Barry University offers a Ph.D. in Counseling. The program provides a specialization in Marital, Couple, and Family Counseling/Therapy. Classes are offered once a week in the evenings in order to meet the needs of working professionals. Students will have the opportunity to get direct support from faculty through small class sizes, research projects, and clinical supervision. Graduates of this program will be prepared to pursue careers as faculty in colleges and universities, researchers, and clinicians in private practice and health facilities.
Courses include: leadership in counseling and counselor education; advanced counseling procedures; advanced multicultural issues in counseling; advanced professional issues in counseling; counseling supervision; counseling for change; advanced family systems theory; advanced counseling techniques with families; seminar in counseling; qualitative methods; quantitative methods of inquiry; clinical supervision; advanced counseling practicum; advanced teaching internship; and dissertation.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 17,820.00
  • Application Deadline: March 1st
  • Credits Required: 54

#23 University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

A Ph.D. in Counselor Education is available from the University of Arkansas. Applicants interested in this program need to have completed a master’s degree meeting the prerequisite requirements and should try to have at least one year of post-master’s experience in counseling. Students in this program will have the opportunity to focus on an area of counseling related to their professional goals/area of expertise. Additionally, students in this program are required to complete six credit hours of a foreign language requirement or show mastery of a foreign language, or complete six credit hours of computer technology.
Courses include: advanced counseling theories and methods; advanced group theory and methods; supervision of counselors; research in counseling; consultation theory and methods; clinical applications of marriage and family counseling and therapy; foundations of counselor education and supervision; cultural foundations and counseling; advanced individual appraisal; advanced counseling practicum; internship; doctoral dissertation; counseling and addictions; counseling children and adolescents; and strategies for effective college teaching.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 17,775.00
  • Application Deadline: September 15th for Spring, January 15th for fall admissions
  • Credits Required: 98

#22 Ohio University

Athens, OH

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

Ohio University offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. The program admits 6-8 students each year. Students who wish to build on their individual strengths and past educational and career experience while building their education to fit their future career goals will find this program to be a good fit. A wide variety of electives are available for students to select from in order to enhance their area of expertise. Graduates will be prepared to pursue careers as clinicians and supervisors in human services and mental health clinics; and as educators, administrators, and supervisors in colleges and universities; and as clinicians in private practice.
Courses include: social and cultural diversity; career development; professional identity; research and program evaluation; helping relations; human growth and development; assessment; group work; legal and ethical issues; counselor supervision; counseling theories; counselor education; professional publication; personality assessment; and leadership in counseling.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 17,502.00
  • Application Deadline: February 15th
  • Credits Required: NA

#21 University of Memphis

Memphis, TN

Ed.D. in Counseling

The Doctor of Education in Counseling is one of several advanced counseling degrees available at the University of Memphis. Applicants to this program should have a master’s degree from a program meeting CACREP standards. This program will prepare graduates for careers in counseling supervision, counselor education, research, and student personnel services. The program emphasizes working in multicultural and urban settings. Students have the opportunity to choose an area of specialization including, but not limited to, topics such as: marriage and family therapy; career counseling; and crisis intervention.
Program requirements include: thirty six semester hours in the major; nine semester hours in research; nine semester hours in a specialty area; and nine semester hours of dissertation.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 17,405.00
  • Application Deadline: March 1st
  • Credits Required: 63

#20 University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Charlotte, NC

Ph.D. in Counseling

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte offers a Ph.D. in Counseling. Applicants are required to have a master’s degree in counseling or a related field with equivalent courses. This program emphasizes multicultural competence and values diversity, attracting faculty from diverse backgrounds with a variety of research interests. The program focuses on training students in clinical and supervision skills as well as in teaching and administrative skills. Some funding opportunities are available through graduate assistantships.
Courses include: advanced multicultural career counseling; advanced group seminar; advanced counseling theory seminar; clinical supervision in counseling; instructional theory in counselor education; advanced multicultural counseling; doctoral practicum in counseling; practicum in clinical supervision; applied research methods; and advanced statistics.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 16,799.00
  • Application Deadline: December 1st
  • Credits Required: 63

#19 Florida Atlantic University

Boca Raton, FL

Ph.D. in Counseling

A Ph.D. in Counseling is available from Florida Atlantic University. This research and leadership focused program allows students to choose from one of three areas of specialization: School Counseling Outcome Research; Children, Adolescent, Couples and Family Intervention; and Optimizing Human Development and Health. Full time students entering with all required master’s level courses can complete the program in three years.
Courses include: advanced counseling theories: brief therapies; advanced multicultural, spiritual, and professional issues in counseling; advanced consultation and leadership in counseling; advanced supervision and instruction in counseling; advanced practicum in counselor education; doctoral internship; advanced educational research; advanced research in counseling; dissertation; advanced group counseling; advanced consultation in school and community; optimal human functioning and development in counseling; and psychotherapy and illness.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 16,695.00
  • Application Deadline: January 15th for fall admission, September 15th for spring admission
  • Credits Required: 60

#18 Northern Illinois University

Dekalb, IL

Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

The College of Education at Northern Illinois University offers a Doctorate of Education in Counselor Education and Supervision. This program is a great fit for students interested in pursuing careers at the university level as professors or clinical supervisors. Students in this program will have the opportunity to be involved in research teams, submit articles for publication, and present at professional conferences. Students will work with the faculty chair to select their dissertation committee.
Courses include: crisis intervention; professional orientation to counselor education: identity and ethics; professional seminar in counselor education and development; advanced theories of counseling; leadership, advocacy, and mentoring; advanced practicum in individual counseling; supervision in counseling; multicultural counseling and social justice; internship in counseling; research and scholarship in counselor education; doctoral research and dissertation; consultation in human services; and program evaluation in education.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 16,352.00
  • Application Deadline: February 15th
  • Credits Required:75

#17 Montclair State University

Montclair, NJ

Ph.D. in Counseling

Students attending Montclair State University for a Ph.D. in Counseling can be enrolled full or part time. This 66 credit program allows students to select an individualized course of study with focus on topics such as: college counseling; counselor supervision; play therapy; and addictions counseling. Students can also match their individual interests with faculty research projects. The program emphasizes and is committed to diversity through research and advocacy, as well as through recruiting and retaining students and faculty from diverse backgrounds.
Courses include: advanced counseling theory and methodology; counselor supervision; advanced social and cultural issues in counseling; clinical, leadership, and organizational assessment; advanced group counseling; advanced career counseling, techniques, and practice; research seminar in counseling; qualitative methods for educational research; quantitative methods for educational research; and dissertation advisement.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 15,375.00
  • Application Deadline: February 1st
  • Credits Required: 66

#16 Loyola Maryland-Columbia

Columbia, MD

Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling

Loyola University Maryland offers a Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling. This counselor education and supervision program is focused on supporting students in integrating counseling and clinical theory with spiritual and religious perspectives. This program generally takes four years to complete, including coursework and clinical training. Students in this program have the opportunity to choose from two areas of concentration: the clinical, education, supervision concentration or the academic concentration.
Courses include: organizational systems; consultation theory and practice; group leadership; advanced treatment in family systems; educational technology; introduction to counselor education and supervision; advanced career development practices; advanced professional, legal, and ethical issues; advanced diversity issues in counseling; statistics; research methods; doctoral clinical case conference; spirituality themes in counseling practice and integration; religious and psychological research; and psycho spiritual applications in clinical practice.

#15 Governors State University

University Park, IL

Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

Students can earn a Doctor of Education in Counselor Education and Supervision from Governors State University. Students in this program will gain clinical training as well as well as practice in teaching and supervision. Students entering the program with a CACREP accredited master’s degree can complete the program in eight semesters. The program follows a cohort model with students taking two classes each semester. Classes are offered in the evenings.
Courses include: professional identity in counselor education and supervision; advanced counseling theory; supervision; teaching in psychology and counseling; advanced counseling skills practicum; advanced human development; advanced issues in diversity; advanced statistics; research literature in counseling and psychology; and capstone/ dissertation project.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 14,736.00
  • Application Deadline: January 15th
  • Credits Required: 48

#14 North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

The School of Education at North Dakota State University offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. The 71 credit program highlights the importance of attention to multicultural and diversity issues. Students have the opportunity to work with faculty to develop an individualized plan of study to meet their professional goals. The program is selective about the number of students accepted each year in order to allow ensure faculty have the ability to mentor students.
Courses include: advanced group counseling; counselor supervision; quantitative and survey research; professional issues: professional development, consultation, and publishing; advanced clinical assessment, report writing, and treatment planning; advanced multicultural practice in counselor education and supervision; advanced counseling theories; qualitative research and program evaluation; and ethical and legal issues in counselor education and supervision.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 14,524.00
  • Application Deadline: October 1st for spring; May 1st for fall
  • Credits Required: 71

#13 St. Mary’s University

San Antonio, TX

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

A Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Supervision is available from St. Mary’s University. This degree offers students the opportunity to choose from one of three areas of concentration: neurofeedback; play therapy; and relational-cultural theory and social justice. The program can be completed in three years when enrolled full time. Courses are offered in the evening to accommodate working students.
Courses include: qualitative research methodologies; professional identity in counselor education and supervision; theory and practice of university teaching; advanced theories of counseling; process of supervision in counselor education; advanced multicultural assessment; leadership, advocacy and service; advanced clinical practicum; theory and practice of neurofeedback; child development and play therapy; and gender and ethnicity through the lifecycle.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 13,849.00
  • Application Deadline: July 1st for Fall Term, November 15th for Spring Term, April 1st for Summer Term
  • Credits Required: 74-87

#12 University of Akron

Akron, OH

Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

The School of Counseling at the University of Akron offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. This program offers two tracks: the counselor education track and the marriage and family counseling/therapy track. Assistantships and scholarships are available. Applicants should choose the track that most interests them as they meet somewhat different professional and career goals. The tracks require the completion of 100-120 credits, including any credits that students are able to bring from a completed master’s program.
Courses include: social philosophical foundations; emerging technologies; statistics; research design; advanced practicum, clinical supervision; dissertation; counseling children; introduction to play therapy; psychopharmacology; and internship.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 13,237.00
  • Application Deadline: January 15th
  • Credits Required: 100

#11 Argosy University

Various Locations

Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

Argosy University offers a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Counselor Education and Supervision. Argosy University has campuses offering this degree in several locations; Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Sarasota, and Washington DC. This 60 credit program can be completed in 10 semesters. Graduates of Argosy University with this degree will be prepared for careers as professional counselors and supervisors, as well as for leadership roles in the field of counseling such as teaching at the university level.
Courses include: multicultural issues in counselor education and supervision; models of clinical supervision; ethics and professional development; teaching in higher education; assessment in counseling; advanced theory and practice in counselor education and supervision; advanced clinical practice; advanced group counseling; clinical consultation; addictions counseling; diagnosis and treatment planning; special topics in counseling; introduction to research methods; advanced academic study and writing; advanced statistical methods; and applied research.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 13,158.00
  • Application Deadline: NA
  • Credits Required: 60

#10 University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY

Ph.D. in Counselor Education & Supervision

A Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision is available from the University of Wyoming. The program requires the completion of 60-72 hours of coursework depending on how many credits students bring with them from their master’s degree. Graduate assistantships are available. A unique feature of this program is that prospective students who are applying for the program from out of state are eligible to receive up to $300 to support their visit to campus and to meet with faculty.
Courses include: doctoral practicum in counseling; supervision theory; doctoral practicum in supervision; professional identity and ethics; diversity and social change; research, assessment and scholarship; leadership, consultation and advocacy; descriptive research; multivariate research; advanced qualitative research methods; and dissertation research.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 12,474.00
  • Application Deadline: January 15th
  • Credits Required: 60

#9 University of North Texas

Denton, TX

Ph.D. in Counseling

The College of Education at the University of North Texas offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling. All students in the program are required to be licensed or working toward licensure as professional counselors. The department is able to support graduate students by offering funding through many assistantships and scholarships. Graduates of the program are able to pursue careers as counselor educators and supervisors, practitioners, directors, researchers, and administrators.
Faculty research interests include: addictions counseling; animal-assisted therapy; crisis intervention; multicultural issues; near-death experiences and spiritual transformation; play therapy; professional issues in counselor education; and veterans’ issues.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 12,470.00
  • Application Deadline: November 30th
  • Credits Required: 81

#8 Sam Houston State University

Huntsville, TX

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

Sam Houston State University offers a Doctorate of Philosophy in Counselor Education. This 69 credit degree will prepare graduates to be leaders in the field of counselor education and school counseling. This program follows a cohort model, allowing students to develop strong and supportive relationships over the course of the program, with students beginning each spring. Students are mentored by faculty and have the opportunity to develop professionally through projects such as publishing and presenting research.
Courses include: advanced counseling theories; theories of counselor supervision; practice of counselor supervision; methods of counseling research; application of counseling research; qualitative methodology; statistical methods-counselor education research; doctoral internship in counseling; doctoral seminar; college teaching in counseling; and dissertation.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 12,159.00
  • Application Deadline: December 1st.
  • Credits Required: 69

#7 Texas Tech University

Lubbock, TX

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

Texas Tech University offers a Ph.D. in Counselor Education. This degree requires the completion of 93 credit hours. Students in this program will select a minor in order to develop an area of expertise that meets their career and professional goals. The minor can be in an area specifically of interest to the student and students are encouraged to select minors from outside of the College of Education. In general students enroll in this program in the fall, but students who are interested can enroll and complete non-counseling courses at the beginning of the other semesters throughout the year if desired. In this case, applications need to be completed and submitted at least six weeks before the start of the semester.
Courses include: advanced counseling theory and techniques; advanced practicum in counseling; advanced group counseling; advanced practicum in counselor education and supervision; philosophy of education; human development; cultural foundations of education; educational psychology; and advanced data analysis.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 11,878.00
  • Application Deadline: Applications should be submitted a minimum of six (6) weeks before the semester the prospective student wishes to begin the program
  • Credits Required: 93

#6 University of South Dakota

Vermillion, SD

Ph.D. in Counseling and Psychology in Education with a specialization in Counselor Education

A Ph.D. in Counseling and Psychology in Education with a specialization in Counselor Education texas-tech-university-ph-d-in-counselor-education is available from the University of South Dakota. Students in this program will have the opportunity to work closely with their faculty advisor to ensure that their program of study meets their individual career goals. Students with a bachelor’s degree are required to complete 120 credit hours, and students with a master’s degree will need to complete 72 credit hours.
Courses include: advanced counseling issues in culture, diversity, and advocacy; theoretical approaches to counseling; teaching counselor education; seminar in professional issues: research in counselor education; history of education; philosophies of education; personality and behavior assessment; and qualitative methods of educational research.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 11,142.00
  • Application Deadline: NA
  • Credits Required: 72

#5 Texas A&M University – Commerce

Commerce, TX

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

Texas A&M University-Commerce offers a doctoral degree in Counselor Education. Students in this program can choose to complete 9 credit hours with specialized courses in one of the following areas of study: marriage and family counseling; student affairs; child and adolescent counseling; and diversity counseling. Additionally, students will work with their advisor to determine a set of electives in addition to their cognate area that best meets their career goals. Students in this program will have the opportunity to enhance their professional development and develop strong relationships with faculty through collaborating on publications, presentations, teaching, and supervision. Graduate assistantships and scholarships are available.
Courses include: advanced counseling theories and techniques; supervision in counseling and development; psychoeducational consultation and program evaluation; research applications; instructional theory and methods in counselor education; ethics and professional development; marital counseling/ therapy; student affairs services in higher education; counseling children and adolescents; advanced seminar: counseling diverse populations; and research methodology.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 10,650.00
  • Application Deadline: Accepted throughout the year
  • Credits Required: 66-69

#4 Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, TX

Ph.D. in Counselor Education

The Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Counselor Education at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi requires the completion of 69 post-master’s credit hours. The department is able to offer graduate assistantships and scholarship are also available. The program prepares graduates to be leaders in the field of counseling and counselor education at both the regional and national level.
Courses include: advanced theories of counseling; advanced counseling strategies; professional, legal, and ethical issues; consultation theory and methods; supervision; leadership and administration in counselor education; doctoral practicum in counseling; doctoral internship; application of family counseling; advanced seminar in career/life planning; research, writing, and publishing in a multicultural society; advanced research and design in wellness and stress; and research design and statistics.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 10,588.00
  • Application Deadline: May 1st
  • Credits Required: 69

#3 Trevecca Nazarene University

Nashville, TN

Ph.D. in Clinical Counseling: Teaching and Supervision

Trevecca Nazarene University offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Counseling: Teaching and Supervision. This 66 credit degree program allows students to choose 6 credits from a Marriage and Family Therapy Cognate or a Counseling Cognate. Courses are offered on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The program must be completed within six years. This program was designed after being requested by students who had completed master’s degrees but were interested in further training in order to become more effective leaders in the field of counseling. Graduates will be prepared to fill roles as supervisors, administrators, teachers, and researchers in counseling and marriage and family therapy.
Courses include: special topics in counseling; psychological testing for counselors; psychodynamic psychotherapies; advanced multicultural counseling; specialized systemic family therapy; diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders; issues of integration: Christian ideology in a professional world; cognitive behavioral therapies; treating addictions: a family dynamics approach; supervision models; technology and teaching strategies in counselor education; doctoral internship; and dissertation research.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 10,012.00
  • Application Deadline: December 1st
  • Credits Required: 66

#2 University of Holy Cross

New Orleans, LA

Ph.D in Counseling

university-of-holy-cross-ph-d-in-counselingThe University of Holy Cross is committed to supporting students in developing in all areas including intellectually, psychologically, and spiritually. The Ph.D. in Counseling program prepares graduates to pursue careers in clinical and academic settings as counselors, educators, supervisors, and administrators. Of the 114 required courses for the doctoral degree in Counselor Education and Supervision, 60 credits are from required master’s courses in counseling.
Courses include: advanced counseling theories; advanced diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders; doctoral seminar in clinical studies; doctoral seminar in marriage and family counseling; college teaching; counselor supervision; introduction to program evaluation and statistics; current counseling research; introduction to qualitative research designs; advanced multicultural, ethical, and legal issues in counseling; doctoral practicum in counseling; doctoral internship in counseling; and dissertation research.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 9,252.00
  • Application Deadline: February 15th
  • Credits Required: 54

#1 Minnesota State University Mankato

Mankato, MN

Ed.D. in Counselor Education & Supervision

The Counseling and Student Personnel Department at Minnesota State University Mankato offers a Doctor of Education in Counselor Education and Supervision. Cohorts in this program are kept small in order to facilitate strong faculty and student partnerships in the classroom, research, and practice. Up to 48 credit hours of a student’s master’s level coursework can be included and put towards the doctoral degree. Some funding is available through graduate assistantships, with up to 25% of graduate students obtaining assistantships.
Courses include: advanced career development; supervision in counselor education; diversity in counselor education and supervision; qualitative research methods; advanced counseling theories and techniques; ethical and legal issues in counselor education; advanced assessment/ treatment planning; organization and governance in higher education; advanced group counseling; quantitative research methods; budgeting and finance; advanced college student development theories; contemporary issues in school counseling; contemporary issues in mental health counseling and family counseling; and dissertation.
  • Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 6,849.00
  • Application Deadline: March 1st
  • Credits Required: 60
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